Dog Adoptions Increased This Holiday Season

Some shelters have been running special promotions called “Home for the Holidays” that encourage adoptions. In California, many rescue shelters teamed up to cut adoption fees in half to adopt out 1,000 pets by the end of the year. The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals generated greater awareness for homeless pets by sending volunteers in Santa costumes to walk around New York streets with dogs ready for adoption.

We’re glad to hear that adoptions are up at shelters, but we hope families will think twice about adopting during the holiday season next year. Waiting sets a good example for the kids, and they get to help pick out the new addition!
Should You Surprise Someone With A Dog?
A dog or puppy can be a lovely addition for those well prepared for the new arrival but know your receiver. Spouses and older children may help with care and training, but are they willing to? A recently divorced parent may seem like they need company, but just because they shared life with a dog when they were married doesn’t mean they want to take on that responsibility later on. Your four-legged gift may be seen as just another burden or chore, especially when they chew the edge on their expensive rug.

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