You Won’t Believe What These People Are Wearing to the Grocery Shop
Three Jars of Mustard & No Bread
This woman may be calmly getting her produce shopping done, but her eye-catching hot pink pants and white crop top will very likely distract other shoppers in the store. Perhaps this is a sneaky marketing ploy to distract shoppers, so they buy things they don’t necessarily need!

When they get home, they won’t understand why they got three jars of mustard and no bread. This outfit seems like a fitting start for our look at the strange and shocking things people wore while shopping at Walmart.
That’s What Friends Are For
Another creative solution to reaching the goodies on the highest shelf. This is why you should always go shopping with a buddy; you never know when you’ll need to reach something on the top shelf.

To be honest, it beats our strategy of waiting for a tall person to walk by. Though, you never really know if you’re bringing along a friend you can trust…
Quick Stop at Walmart
We’re not sure what event this woman is attending after her Walmart visit, but we are sure that she definitely spread good cheer and smiles to all other shoppers in her vicinity while she was doing her shopping.

On second thought, it doesn’t really make sense that she left the house this way with no purpose. Perhaps she was on her way to a country music concert or a dance competition?
Cashing In
The best part of going to the arcade wasn’t the games, now was it? Nope! It was cashing in all our tickets for prizes and toys!

Instagram influencer Tina Woods seems extra excited to be waiting at one of those counters, waiting to cash in and collect her prizes! The thing about arcades is…you always have to spend at least $100 to get a $2 prize at one of those.
Looking for Easter Eggs
That Easter candy looks delicious, but they must have placed something extra tasty on the top shelf because this woman seems to be getting in her daily stretches while reaching for it.

Who knows, maybe Walmart hosted an easter egg hunt, and this woman is going all out to win the golden egg! Either way, the good stuff is always on the top shelf.
Time for New Friends
This woman seems to be living the plot of the movie ‘Big.’ She grew up overnight, but her clothes have stayed the same size as when she was 12.

Did her friend wearing the hat think it was better not to say anything before leaving the house? If so, it was definitely a wrong call!
Here Comes the Bride?
We’ve seen some elaborate grocery store outfits, but this tops them all. This white lace dress seems a little bit fancy to be roaming the produce aisle.

At least she’s keeping it healthy while she draws all the eyes in the store. We have a sneaking suspicion that she was planted in the store to promote healthy eating.
Dissonance Pants
Are those pants leather? Are they really the best choice for what seems like a hot day, judging by the tank top she’s wearing?

Well, they do say that beauty is pain, or in this case, sweat. At least she’ll have body wash to use for her next cold refreshing shower!
Anything for Instagram
Some people will do anything for a unique photo to post on social media. In our opinion, there are some things you should steer clear of – sitting on the counter is one of them.

Not only is sitting on the counter against the rules, but it is also pretty gross too. Food is placed on that counter, and she is putting her bare legs on it. Ma’am, please step down from the counter!
Excuse Me?
Another clearly overdressed woman seems surprised that her picture is being taken at the grocery store while picking up some Red Bull before heading out to a party.

Judging by her expression, she doesn’t seem too happy to have her picture taken. We honestly can’t blame her! She’s gonna be late for the party!
Slurpee & Shades
This woman clearly has an appreciation for the finer things in life. And by finer, we mean the things you pick up at your local 7/11.

That being said, when you look this good, every situation you’re in is an automatic photo op. She sips on a Slurpee and uses her surroundings and shades to create an extremely artistic and visually balanced shot.
Quick! Look Away!
That is some outfit! Our favorite part is the boots that seem like the “practical” choice for running errands. Don’t let her distract you from the man in the background who is casually looking away.

He obviously noticed that this picture was being snapped because he is making sure that we know that he wasn’t looking at her.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel
This girl has obviously not been to a hairdresser in a while, or maybe ever. We hope that she is careful with all that hair while she’s shopping; it looks like it could get caught in pretty much anything.

Next time, it may be a good idea to bring a scrunchie with you to the store. If you’ve lost your scrunchie, have no fear, you purchase one when you shop!
Help on Aisle 3
Sometimes we think that the people who work in the supermarket put all the excellent stuff on the high shelf on purpose, don’t you?

This woman is trying really hard to get whatever it is she wants down. We hope she managed to do so without dropping everything else on the shelves!
Catching a Ride
They always say that kids don’t get enough exercise, but we can’t really blame these kids for catching a ride. We’d love to be driving one of those bad boys through the grocery store.

Although, the award for the coolest kid goes to the brother who is just sitting there reading. At least he’s educating himself while he rides!
Show Stopper
We’d like to show you the rest of this image, but for legal reasons, we can’t. We will only assure you that this woman turned many heads while marking things off her shopping list at Walmart.

This woman knew exactly what she was doing when she strutted down the bread aisle wearing what she was wearing.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
This shot looks like something from an 80s cult film. Maybe a female-led version of ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’

We’d watch that, but only if the stars made sure to pay for their popsicles. We’re not into shoplifters! Especially not the kind that munch on goodies while shopping.
Lazy Sunday
Leggings are a comfortable choice to do just about anything in. In this case, the leggings seem to be just the right fit to help this athletic shopper get everything done in a fast and efficient manner.

We have a feeling this shopper knows a thing or two about efficient shopping. She has her grocery list on her phone, her bag out of her way, and she’s ready to get shopping!
They’re More Than Good, They’re Great!
Who else remembers the catchy jingle in the Frosted Flakes advertisement years ago? Every time that tune comes to mind, we’re off to the grocery store to buy ourselves a box!

We’re not sure if this woman is so short or the shelf is so high that she actually had to climb into the cart to reach her Frosted Flakes. Either way, it looks like she and her friend are having a blast.
Everyone’s Favorite Chocolate Spread
The Italian chocolate hazelnut spread Nutella is clearly delicious, but that still doesn’t explain why there are four shelves packed with it in the grocery store or why the woman has decided that the Nutella on the top shelf is the most delicious.

What does she know that we don’t? And why is she reaching for another Nutella when she has one in her hand already? So many questions!
A Tough Decision
Vitamin Water is a delicious way to get all your nutrients. What happens when you want them all? How do you decide on just one flavor?

This shopper is a diehard Vitamin Water fan. She seems to be saluting it by wearing her special American flag shorts grocery shopping. If you ever need help deciding which flavor to buy, she’s your girl!
Ready, Set, Go!
We’re not sure what is going on here. This woman seems to have a hard time regulating her temperature. Her head is obviously cold, while her torso is too warm.

That doesn’t explain why she’s sitting in a shopping cart with her tongue out, though. Did she just win a secret shopping cart race? We’d be down to take part in one of these!
Japanese Walmart!
You may be surprised to learn that there is a Walmart in Japan. It is located in the Seiyu region, and we’re pretty sure this is not it.

It’s not really important which grocery store this is more interesting is this shopper and the jeans she chose to go shopping in. That is certainly an eye-catching fashion choice, which seems more suited to the clubs than the snack aisle.
She’s My Mini-Me
We’re usually not so into matching outfits, but there’s something about this dynamic duo that has us gushing! Both mom and baby are getting all the supermarket’s attention with their extra bright matching pink outfits.

It makes you wonder if all their clothes match, and if so, where do they buy them? We want in!
I Want My Baby Back
This woman stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things, a box of salad, and some babybel mozzarella. She also used the opportunity for a mini photoshop, and we’ve got to say – we’re not mad about it.

Luckily, she brought a backpack to carry her purchases because they are clearly not going to fit into the pockets of her pants!
The Best of Both Worlds
When @RimaNelli does her shopping, she stands out even in her workout clothes! Though, we’re not really sure how you work out with hoops that big! Plus, she seems super committed to her healthy choices.

Talk about having your cake and eating it too! She is sipping a smoothie, and before she is even done, she is already checking out the labels to see what can give her even more nutrients.
Dancing in the Produce Section
Talk about a multi-talent! This woman is grabbing strawberries and looks while hitting the grocery store in a minimalist ensemble.

She seems very into whatever music she’s listening to; it looks like she may be dancing with the fruit in her hand! That guy certainly couldn’t stop himself from looking.
Our Favorite Purple Peep
This woman is clearly ushering in the spring with her lilac on the lilac ensemble. We wonder if the groceries she bought were purple as well, though we can’t really think of any purple foods.

And in homage to Easter, her fashion trend of choice is lavender peeps all the way. Speaking of Peeps, does anyone know where we can get any?
Not a Care in the World
This poor woman, she obviously sat somewhere wet and is now walking around, looking like she had an unfortunate accident.

Someone should tell her that Walmart has some great deals on pants! Although we do admire her confidence.
Cheers to the Weekend!
This is all of us on the weekend, right? In all honesty, this may as well be us during the workweek as well!

There’s nothing quite like a quick run to the supermarket to pick up our favorite bottle of vino, is there? We get it, girl; we’d want to show our appreciation for the wine too!
Calling Her Name
This woman is all of us, she’s trying to be healthy and perusing the flavored water options, but she keeps hearing all the tasty and sugary sodas calling her name.

You can practically see the tiny cartoon angel and devil battling it out on her shoulders. We know what side we’re taking! Which one would you choose?
Caught Green Handed!
Actress Vanessa Hudgens looks like she’s posing for a commercial while doing some shopping at Ralph’s. Who says celebs aren’t just like ys, they want their Gatorade and snacks!

Apparently, shoppers got to enjoy watching her reaching for something on the top shelf in her skimpy playsuit. As a celeb, you can’t even go to Ralph’s without getting your picture taken!
Arizona Spring Formal
Our favorite part of high school was formals, and getting ready for them! This girl is all dressed up and ready to go in her form-fitting blue dress, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t taking time to stop and smell the roses.

Or, in this case, look longingly at a delicious can of cold Arizona iced tea. What could she possibly be reading with such focus?
Cheaper by the Dozen
The stripes on @LaurenDrainFit are mesmerizing and hard to look away from. Good thing she has stopped moving and is wondering if she has enough eggs at home; otherwise, she may accidentally hypnotize the entire store.

Which may have led fellow shoppers to drop egg cartons and glass jars! We wouldn’t want that to happen, now would we?
Mom, I’m Hungry!
These women seem way too happy and way too overdressed to be filling up their cart like that. Perhaps they were on their way back from an under catered wedding and needed a bite to eat?

We have to assume that this mother-daughter, or maybe sister duo was at some kind of fancy party and were suddenly overwhelmed by the need to cook a three-course meal in heels.
Protein, Protein, Protein
It’s no wonder the woman in the pink and white striped dress stands in front of the deli section. We’re sure she needs to eat plenty of protein to maintain those biceps.

We wonder what else she picked up while at the supermarket. We want whatever she’s having! Talk about going to the gun show…
Celebs, They’re Just Like Us!
You don’t expect to see any rich celebrities strolling through the aisles at the grocery store, but Kylie Jenner does not let that stop her. The best part of her outfit is the barely-there shorts and the white high heels that are not exactly supermarket appropriate.

That earns her a place of honor on our list! It seems like she is so preoccupied with people taking photos of her, she can’t really focus on the groceries she needs to pick up!
A Whole Foods Friend
Going to Whole Foods is not just about grocery shopping. Who knows who you could meet while having your lunch at the hot food area?

This woman who was shopping there, for example, looks extremely friendly. Maybe we found a new shopping buddy – everyone knows that grocery shopping is a lot more fun when you’re doing it with a friend!
Lettuce Celebrate!
This woman is inspecting the quality of those greens. Her top half looks completely respectable and appropriate, but her bottom half is wild.

Unfortunately, our lawyers have said we can’t show it to you, so you’ll just have to trust us. Looking at this picture, though, we can’t help but crave a leafy green salad. Who’s with us?
Horror on Aisle 5
Oh, the thought of turning a corner at the supermarket and bumping into this gives us the heebie-jeebies! This pic could be fun, or it could be the beginning of a ‘Purge’ style horror movie, but it is probably just a picture of two bored teenagers at Walmart.

We hope they know that it is good manners to buy something you already put on your head and breathed into. Maybe these guys just wanted pancakes for breakfast! We can’t blame them, gotta love those pancakes!
Attention Walmart Shoppers!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the woman in this shot is not actually employed by Walmart. She was only in the store to make a funny video with her friends.

It didn’t take too long for the actual employees to catch on, confiscate her vest and politely ask her to vacate the premises. We wonder if she was banned from all Walmarts or just her local store.
Looks Like You Forgot Something
This woman clearly decided it was time to go shopping for some new flowers and other weird plants, judging by her shopping cart’s contents. Maybe she was in such a rush that she forgot to wear the other half of her dress.

If you’re going to wear a dress that is little more than a few strands of black fabric, what’s the point of wearing anything at all, really?
Taco Tuesday
Behold the walking taco! This Mexican dish decided she needed some soda to go with her costume, and by the looks of it, she’s about to decide on that bottle of Pepsi.

But hey, we don’t judge! We all know what it’s like to have to go grocery shopping on laundry day. Or, maybe she was on her way to a food-themed party? Who knows.
Dad of the Year Award Goes to This Guy
Touché, dad! You have to applaud this man for his creative parenting ways. There is no better way to keep your daughters from wearing super short shorts than wearing them yourself…in public.

Still, we’re grateful he decided to write the explanation for his ‘bold’ fashion choice on the back of his jacket. Otherwise, we’d be a little concerned for that little girl.
Shopping Cart Support
Most women try to avoid heels whenever they can, but this one is clearly the exception. Not only did she decide to wear them to go grocery shopping, no less; she chose what looks like the most uncomfortable platforms in the entire world.

We don’t know how long her shopping list is, but we sure hope she’s not planning on wearing those heels for long because that’s just an accident waiting to happen. How do platforms like these even exist?!
Something’s Fishy!
This woman doesn’t seem to be too pleased with the fact someone documented this moment of her life. But how could they not? She is wearing a wet towel on her head while she buys some fresh fish.

If we’re honest, she can’t really argue she didn’t have time to take it off because she did manage to find a cute little dress to put on before she left the house. But the expression on the guy behind the counter’s face is definitely the best part of this photo.
You Had Me at Ramen
We all love some good old Ramen noodles, but this is a bit much, buddy. Here’s to hoping these two were on their way to a ‘Weirdest Costumes in the World’ party. It is simply the only excuse for going out in public like this.

At least they managed to mix it up – one is beef, and the other one is chicken. You can never have too many options when it comes to the flavor of your noodles.
Inside Out Day
Excuse us, Miss? You seem to have made a tiny mistake there with your outfit. The underwear usually goes before the pants. Unless this woman is trying out a new fashion trend, in which case, don’t mind us. Do your thing!

Maybe she felt like all the clothes she owned was too dull to wear anymore, so she tried something…different. And we have to hand it to her; she definitely caught our eye.
The Godfather of Tie-Dye
Say hello to the godfather of tie-dye, or maybe he’s Jerry Garcia’s long-lost cousin. In any case, we are loving this man’s ensemble; just look at that attention to detail – the shoes, the suspenders, the pants, the shirt, the lack of shame…

But seriously, jokes aside, we commend this man for being himself and wearing what he wants. And we hope he finds the Kool-Aid he’s looking for.
Our New Best Friend
We don’t know about you, but we would LOVE to be friends with this guy. And his pet goat. This fabulous old man was on his way to the grocery shop’s doors, but we’re sure it took him a while since every single person probably stopped him for a photo.

High-end fashion has got nothing on this guy – multicolored flowers on his long, white hair, a bright pink shirt, a blue fanny pack, a coffee…and a baby goat.
Cos-Paying for Groceries
Introducing the human neon popsicle, now found at a grocery shop near you. But really, unless this girl was going to a cosplay competition, or Comic-Con, in which case she would definitely take the prize, this is just baffling. Not to mention incredibly uncomfortable to shop in.

You have to give her points for creativity, though, because that outfit, weird as it is, is very cool. And hey, maybe she just felt like some yogurt before returning to her spaceship.
That Apple Juice Craze
Oh, the joys of satisfying your apple juice craving when you’re on your way to the opera. This man is just class all the way; just look at him in his suit, his pretty plaid skirt, and his hot pink tights.

Now that’s a fashion statement if we ever saw one. We take our hats off to you, sir. And your cute little bow-tie.
An Oompa Loompa at Walmart?
Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-do! That’s all that comes to mind when looking at this photo. We really hope that the person in this photo is wearing a wig and didn’t dye their hair this color!

Although it seems like there’s some sort of blue fetish going on here – the toy their holding is the exact same shade as their outfit and hair!
The Sixth Element
People, the ONLY person who can wear this costume and get away with it, is Milla Jovovich. Otherwise, you end up looking like a wrapped-up mop that just cleaned up some orange juice.

Come on, man, that’s not even a decent attempt at a Fifth Element costume! You used tape! Even the blue alien beside him looks better than this trainwreck.
Our Favorite Easter Bunny
Meet Mr. (deranged) Easter Man – he comes around once a year to make your Easter merry. But if you see him at the supermarket, make sure you leave in a hurry!

Although our first reaction is pretty much the same as that kid’s – we’re totally amazed by this man’s dedication. And lunacy aside, those colorful eggs and bunnies, and whatever the heck he has on his head, do look quite amazing.
Skin Care Above Everything Else
Sometimes you just don’t have enough time for that new face mask to dry off before you have to leave the house. We get it. Healthy skin is important. Looking sane at the supermarket…less so.

Maybe she was just getting restless waiting for that mask to dry, and she got a crazy craving for mango or whatever that fruit is in her bag.
Pay Attention to Where You’re Walking
We need that vest in our lives because it is simply perfect. This woman finally gets back at every single person that ever bumped into us because “you didn’t see us there, sorry!”

We bet you see us now, don’t you? Besides, we’re sure this woman looks like a boss every time her car breaks down on the side of the road. Just maybe don’t wear it to go grocery shopping?
Wait, This Isn’t Woodstock?
Bows and bears and bugs, oh my! This one-woman show has it all. A tie-dye Grateful Dead shirt, a golden, glittery bow on her head, and what looks like a stuffed animal bug attached to one of her legs!

Here’s to hoping that’s a cute bandage for a cut and not some sort of new fashion trend. Although judging by the aisle, she’s in, this girl looks like she enjoys dressing up.
The King of Pop & Cheez-Its
It seems that even the King of Pop likes his box of Cheez-Its. And a young, semi-naked blonde by his side, of course. As confused as we look by this extremely accurate Michael Jackson-look alike, that woman seems even more confused.

Maybe that’s why she forgot the bottom half of her outfit. Or perhaps she was just trying to be supportive and look as ridiculous as her friend.
It’s Called Fashion, Jeez!
Ever heard of belts? Or small-sized pants? We’re all in favor of modern-day, hip fashion, but this is just wrong. And probably extremely uncomfortable to walk in.

As if pants worn around your knees weren’t enough of a shock, this guy seems to be almost posing for people to see him. Come on, pal, do us all a favor and pull up your pants!
Little Red Riding Hood
Even though he probably got his fair share of looks at the market, this cute old man still decided to wear what he wanted and be himself. And we love him for it. Besides, that is a very modest and proper red dress, not to mention his carefully done ponytail and cute little black shoes.

Something tells us he even took his time to carefully chose the pair of earrings he was going to wear. And those electric blue socks too!
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
Don’t get us wrong, we love Flamin’ Hot Cheetos – but dressing up as one for your trip to the supermarket seems like a pretty extreme move if you ask us.

We’re hoping this was either a bet that this girl lost or Halloween because there is simply no other rational explanation of why someone would dress up as a snack to go grocery shopping!
Unsatisfied Customers
What happens when you’ve returned so many items to customer service that they no longer want anything to do with you? You dress up as a creepy bunny, of course!

What we find most cringe-worthy about this photo is the fact that the bunny is looking straight into the guy that snatched this photo’s soul as if to say, “what are you looking at, mister?! You ain’t ever seen a bunny in a store before?”
The Perfect Wedding
Either this couple fell in love at Walmart, or someone messed up and forgot to book a wedding venue – either way, this is an excellent utilization of space at your local supermarket.

We have so many questions regarding this photo. We can’t help but wonder what people ate at the reception? Did they hop over to the frozen foods section for pizza-bites and soda-pop? Who officiated the wedding, was it the branch manager? We need answers!
The Graveyard Shift
From the looks of it, this guy was dragged out of bed (or perhaps a rodeo?) and was asked to stand guard and watch the cookies. Confused, he accepted the challenge but quickly realized that no one cared about the cookies at 3 A.M and speedily fell asleep.

Lucky for him, he was placed in the middle of a supermarket – so whenever he got hungry or thirsty in the middle of his “hard” shift, he could just look around him and take whatever looked most appetizing – in this case, looks like he was in the mood for some Dr.Pepper.
Bad Hair Month
The look on this girl’s face screams, “I know, this is a bad haircut. There’s not much I can do about it now, though, so why don’t you just take a picture and get out of my face.”

Besides the fact that this is one of the weirdest haircuts we’ve seen in a while, we’re wondering how this woman’s hairdresser managed to pull these perfect circles off – that takes real talent!
Jack of All Trades
Teenage boys cannot be bothered to shop for clothes – let alone be seen with their mother while doing so. Justin’s mom has been begging him for months to buy new jeans – but the 16-year-old just rolled his eyes every time she brought it up.

Then one day, he woke up and saw that his pants didn’t fit him anymore…that’s when he had to put on the only thing in the house that suited him, his father’s Halloween costume. Next time listen to your mother, Justin!
Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?
Is it just us, or does this woman look like she just walked out of Bikini Bottom? In her defense, she’s shopping in the costume section, which gives us hope that this may be a part of an elaborate over the top Halloween costume.

What happens when she can’t find a Spongebob Squarepants costume – who will she dress up as then?
Supermarket Scuba Diving
When they told this man he was too old to go scuba diving – it did not go over well. He did everything in his power to fight back and prove to everyone that he could still snorkel.

Despite his countless efforts, he realized that maybe they were right – he was too old to dive into the big blue. So naturally, he decided to go to the supermarket wearing his favorite accessory!
Cat Woman, Literally
This woman gives a whole new meaning to “cat lady.” It’s one thing to talk about your cats continually – it’s another thing to bring them with you to the supermarket. These feline friends look like this isn’t their first ride at the rodeo.

They’re used to the weekly visit to the grocery store, and everyone that works at the market is used to them. They’ve come to a mutual agreement to ignore each other at all costs.
It’s not every day that you go to Walmart and see…this. At first glance, this is a pretty frightening sight to see. You don’t know what on earth is going on under that mask and cloak.

But then, when you see what this guy was purchasing (limes and beer), you’re immediately calmed by the fact that you understand that even the reaper likes to party!
Prehistoric Party!
It looks like someone is about to have the party of a lifetime, and we weren’t invited. We’re not bitter, just a little upset that no one thought of inviting us to this dinosaur party.

Shopping in this costume seems pretty impossible, so kudos to these three for managing to get everything they needed for this get-together! We’d clap our hands, but everyone knows that T-Rex’s arms can’t reach each other!
The Human Fish-Tank
What does one do with a water jug once everyone’s done with the water? You turn it into a human fish-tank. That’s what you do! This man’s new face armor is so hardcore he can’t seem to count see through it to count his money correctly.

This is germaphobia at its finest – the only problem is when you’re entirely shielded, it’s hard to manage your way around the market!
Brighter Than the Sun
We hope this late-night Walmart run was for the following: aloe vera, moisturizing lotion, and sunscreen. However, the sunscreen may be a little unnecessary at this point. If you’ve ever been sunburnt, you know that it hurts to move.

So, looking at this photo is a bit surprising, considering this is one of the worst sunburns we’ve seen in a long time. Yet, this girl is trotting along with not one care in the world!
By the looks of it, this woman is in dire need of some assistance. Her leather pants are so tight she can’t bend over to pick up her favorite brand of tuna. Next time she has errands to run, we’re sure she’ll be throwing on a pair of sweatpants instead of putting these on.

We can’t help but wonder if after this photo was taken, she gave up and ending up buying the off-brand tins?
What? You’ve Never Seen a Pet Lizard Before?
We’re sure you’ve seen people walking around with their pet dogs in the supermarket – in fact, you may have even someone walking around with a parrot on their shoulder. We’ve seen some weird stuff in our day, but never have we seen anyone walk around with a lizard on their head.

This woman’s obedient reptile is so perfectly placed it looks like she’s walking around with a hair ornament and not her pet!
Sweater Weather
This beautiful woman looks like she hopped out of the shower, grabbed the first thing she could find, and ran to the supermarket to…um, sniff a bar of chocolate? We’re all about the perfect photo op, but they went a little overboard, in our opinion.

Not to mention her boyfriend is probably looking for his favorite shirt! We wish someone looked at us the way she’s looking at this chocolate!
Strike a Pose!
Have you ever seen someone that’s gone to the supermarket just to take photos of themselves? People who don’t need to buy anything but felt cute and wanted to take a picture in the grocery store’s fluorescent lighting?

Oh, you say you’ve never heard of it before? No worries, you’re looking at one of them right now. This “influencer” was feeling good about herself and wanted everyone (including her local supermarket) to know!
It’s a bird. It’s a plane – no, it’s Supermarket-Superman! We’re not sure how he did it, but this man has been “flying” through this grocery store, picking up errands and saving the world one grocery bag at a time.

When we say one grocery bag at a time, we mean that this Superman is eco-conscious and has been bringing his own grocery bags to the store for the past couple of years! A real hero!
Go, Grandpa, Go!
When Grandpa asked his grandchildren to buy him a souvenir from their last vacation – this probably wasn’t what he had in mind. They thought it was hilarious and kept asking him why every time they saw him, he refused to wear a thoughtful gift.

When four-year-old Jimmy asked him about it, he decided to toughen up and put on the shirt. Let us just say we think it suits him! You go, grandpa!
I Got My Eyes on You
This pair of pants gives a whole new meaning to the saying, “watch your back.” We’re not sure why someone would want cat eyes on their behind, but we’re glad this woman found what she was looking for.

You can tell she’s a big cat lady, seeing as she’s wearing a leopard print shirt. Wherever you go, she’ll be there, watching you!
Don’t Rain on My Parade
Someone rained on this girl’s parade, and there was nothing left to do but to hop over to Walmart for some retail therapy.

She looks like she’s having trouble picking out the perfect shampoo – which we completely understand, all things considered, she has a vast range to choose from!
The Greatest Showman
This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, but showmen are just like us! They need to go shopping for food, just like the rest of us.

He’s dressed to impress, and he sure did leave his mark on us! Excuse us, sir, would you mind performing for us? Yes, right here in the middle of Walmart!
Instant Regret
Have you worn something you hated so much you just wanted to rip it off of yourself? Well, this woman knows exactly what that feels like – except she actually went through with it.

She was about halfway through when she realized that maybe ripping off her shirt in the parking lot of her supermarket may not have been the smartest idea…
Retail Transformer
Imagine walking into your local Walmart and being greeted by a Transformer! By the looks of it, the franchise decided to promote their newest line of toys by placing real-life transformers in their branches- and we’re guessing it worked!

This is a pretty cool business move. We don’t even care that much about Transformers, yet there is something about this guy that makes us wish someone buys us a Transformer next Christmas.
New Wand, Who Dis?
Do you think this wizard forgot his wand in whatever imaginary world he came from and stopped by Walmart to buy a backup?

We sure hope so, because that’s one heck of a story! What else could a wizard want at a Walmart, new flipflops? We hope his new wand works and that he’s well on his way back to Wizardland…or Comi-Con!
Hannah & Joey Forever
We have one bet as to what’s happening in this photo. Hannah was walking down the aisle when she looked up and saw her best friend, Joey – and it was at that moment she realized she couldn’t go through with her wedding.

The two ran off together, stopping at Walmart to pick up essentials before starting a life together! We’re so happy you said yes to true love, Hannah!
Goat Bjorn
Last time we checked, the name of these carriers was “Baby Bjorn” and not “Goat Bjorn.” We’re not judging. We would just love to understand how this could be considered comfortable for anyone involved.

Carrying a goat on your back sounds like hard work, and for the goat, well, there is no way that they are comfortable sitting in a baby carrier. If we had to choose a baby product to hold a goat in, we’d probably go with a stroller.
Call Me, Beep Me!
Are you sick and tired of dating apps? So is this guy! He’s so fed up with online dating, and he decided to take an original approach in hopes of finding love.

We give him an “A” for the effort. This shirt is a real eyecatcher, and it has us smiling. Having said this, we think that he may need to work on his handwriting – it looks like a first-grader wrote this.
Domo Arigato
We bet that everyone that passed this man in the department store he was in did a double-take to make sure they weren’t imagining this odd sight. The sumo suit he’s wearing’s skin color is the same color as his actual complexion.

That being said, we’re not surprised that other shoppers were confused when they saw this man. All we have to add is that purple is definitely his color!
Pikachu, We See You!
A family that loves pokemon together – stays together, right? This little family dressed up as the videogame franchise’s favorite characters, and it’s honestly one of the sweetest things!

Our favorite part about this whole ensemble is that the little cutie is dressed as our personal favorite, Pikachu. Do you think they painted the kid’s cheeks rosy red for added effect?! We sure hope so!

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