This Is How Our Favorite Celebrities Stay in Great Shape
It seems unfair sometimes that celebrities seem to be in such great shape without sweating, but this is a bubble we’re going to burst: sure, being a celebrity is all fun and games sometimes, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility, such as setting good example, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle. True, they have private gyms and swimming pools in their houses, which makes it easier for them to exercise on a daily basis, but that doesn’t mean they don’t sweat just like everyone else.

We all know by now that staying in shape requires perseverance, hard work and motivation, which we don’t always have, but neither do celebrities! Nevertheless, they can set a pretty good example when it comes to exercising, since they always give it their best and never skip an exercise (alright, maybe not “never,” but rarely!). You don’t have to enjoy their acting or agree with their opinions, but when it comes to a healthy (and active) lifestyle, we can’t help but admire them.
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian is the first on our list, because credit is given when credit is due. Despite her busy schedule and being a mother to three kids, and after three pregnancies, the controversial Kardashian sister manages to keep her iconic figure always intact. Finding you niche is crucial when it comes to training, and as you probably guessed, for Kim it’s weightlifting and exercising her butt. Deadlifts, lunges and squats are a regular part of her workout, which she performs no less than five times a week! Kim likes to get up at the break of dawn and finish her workout before she starts her day.

Jennifer Lopez
This list wouldn’t be complete without Jennifer Lopez, who’s our personal model for inspiration. You’d never guess by her look that Jenny from the block is already in her fifties (time floes, doesn’t it?), since she doesn’t look a day older than thirty. This is mostly thanks to her workout routine, which hasn’t changed for quite some time. Since her early days on stage the singer had an impressive figure, and we admire her for keeping it this way for so many years. J. Lo’s favorite workout is short and to the point: mostly HIIT workouts. She also makes sure to work on her abs and never misses a full body-weight workout (that’s always important, no matter your age and status).

Meghan Markle
Just because she’s already found her prince charming, doesn’t mean Meghan Markle can neglect her body. We hear the royal palace can be quite a stressful environment, and there’s no better way to let out stress than exercise. Meghan’s favorite form of work out are more relaxed than other clebrities on the list; she’s not necessarily working on abs or muscles, but she wants her body to stay healthy and fit, inside and outside, and so she practices mostly Pliates, yoga and jogging. As the (former) duchess of Sussex, you need to always look your best, but Markle has been maintianing an active lifestyle long before she’s met Prince Harry.

Halle Berry
We’ve already seen in Million Dollar Baby that actress Halle Berry knows boxing, but apparently, she still practices it today, and according to her, it’s one of the best ways to stay in shape. At 53, we wish we were as fit and healthy as Halle Berry, who shows us what true diligence looks like. If you follow her on social media, you might be familiar with her #FitnessFriday inspiration post, where she shares glimpses of her intensive workout regime. This includes yoga – to strengthen the core (and the soul), boxing – to work on those muscles, and cardiovascular exercises.

Kristen Bell
All we’ve seen so far is driven women who seem to put exercise as their top priority, but if we’re honest, we don’t all have the time, or the motivation, to exercise every day, and that’s perfectly okay. Actress Kristen Bell is here to show us that even if we only exercise two or three times a week, we can still maintain a healthy body. You might say Kristen Bell is more down to earth when it comes to exercising (and other aspects of life, if you ask us); she doesn’t always have time for a long workout, so she puts on a 10-minute YouTube exercise, or run up and down her driveway repeatedly. Bell believes in setting yourself small, realistic goals, and she practices what she preaches.

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is more old school, and she’s often seen frequenting the popular NYC Body By Simone gym. Even after all these years of training, she still works with a personal trainer, which builds workouts that are specific to her abilities, body and current level of fitness (which, clearly, is always high). We can learn something from every celebrity on this list, and from singer Taylor Swift we can learn that using the help of a personal trainer is nothing to be ashamed of – on the contrary, you need them as a beginner, and you also need them as an expert.

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