The Pros & Cons of Running with a Face Mask On

Many regions are requiring a face mask regardless of what you’re doing. This face mask must be worn outside, inside, and wherever you go. Some regions do say that you don’t have to wear a face mask while running but other regions of the world say that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, the face mask must be worn.

This has brought up much discussion as to whether one should wear a face mask while running. Today we’re going to lay out the pros and cons of running with a face mask on so that you can make an educated decision on your own.

Stop Running if You Feel These Symptoms

The first step towards knowing what to watch for when wearing a face mask while running is being aware of the signs that you’re not getting enough oxygen. If you’re feeling any of these symptoms then you’ll need to stop running immediately and take your face mask off to recoup:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizzy
  • Lightheaded
  • Chest pain

These are a few signs that something bad is happening. It’s best to stop running and allow your body to recoup while taking the face mask off during a running session if you experience any of the above symptoms.

Pros of Wearing a Face Mask While Running

Below are some of the upsides of wearing a face mask while running.

Following Local Mandates

You’ll feel more confident knowing that you’re following your local mandates. You’re heading out for a run to get fit, and having to stop to get into trouble for not following your local mandate that face masks are required while out in public will deter you from getting a good run into your day.

Reduces Respiratory Droplets

Wearing a face mask while running will help you do your part to reduce the number of respiratory droplets that get out there in the world. If you’re running on the main sidewalks of the town you live in, wearing a face mask will help protect others from the chance you’re sick.

Cons of Wearing a Face Mask While Running

Below are some of the downsides of wearing a face mask while running.

Can’t Run as Fast

You’ll find that wearing a face mask while running will limit the pace of your run. You won’t be able to run as fast and may need to cut the run shorter. This is more so due to how difficult it can be to breathe inside a mask while participating in an intense run.

Causes Panic Attacks

Many people suffer from panic attacks while wearing a face mask. Opting to wear a face mask while running can increase the risk of you having a panic. If you feel any of the symptoms we listed above during your run, then you may end up having a panic attack which can cause harm to your health. 

Best Face Mask for Running

If you’re going to wear a face mask while running, then make sure the face mask fits into the following categories:

  • Lightweight material
  • Made of moisture-wicking fabric
  • Fits snug around chin, nose, and face
  • Has adjustable ear straps

As with most things these days, it’s important that you make an educated decision while remaining within the law of your local area. Hopefully our list of pros and cons of running with a face mask on has helped you determine what the healthiest choice is for you.

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