The Dark Truth Of The Greyhound Bus Murder Case
On July 30, 2008, a Greyhound bus rolled along on the Trans-Canada Highway. With no warning, a normal bus ride turned deadly when Vince Li pulled out a knife and began stabbing the man sitting next to him, Timothy Richard McLean (via CBC). The frightened bus driver pulled the bus to the side of the road and fled, along with the other frightened passengers. Once off the bus, the group watched helplessly as Li then decapitated McLean. Li was eventually apprehended after attempting to escape the bus by jumping through one of its windows.
With such an unexpected and violent attack, the foremost question on everyone’s mind was: Why? The attack on McLean was unprovoked. By all accounts, McLean was a likable guy and the two had not shown any earlier animosity toward one another. McLean, who was in the process of getting his life in order, was on the bus that day headed to his new home in British Columbia (via Murder Friends).
Why did Vince Li murder Timothy Richard McLean?
Li’s life was in disarray due to severe mental illness (via Murder Friends). Later, Li claimed he heard the voice of God. It was this divine voice, Li claimed, that instructed him to kill McLean to prevent McLean from killing him first. McLean took his seat first and eventually, McLean fell asleep as the bus was traveling overnight for a total of 20 hours on its way to British Columbia. Li then took a seat next to a sleeping McLean.
The darkness of the story does not end with what Li did to McLean. Li was found to be mentally incompetent to stand trial. He was sent to a psychiatric facility. In 2015, he was found to be rehabilitated and was able to go free. The real sentence, however, seemed to be placed on the family of Timothy McLean and the other passengers on board that bus.
Since this even, many witnesses have been diagnosed with PTSD. One such woman actually had her child taken away from her at birth because doctor’s feared her PTSD would prevent her from being able to care for the child (via CBC). A court awarded custody to the child’s grandmother. McLean’s parents were divorced prior to their son’s murder. The murder only caused their relationship to grow worse. Tim Alguire was a truck driver who stopped and tried to intervene, helping to barricade Li inside the bus until police could arrive on the scene. He has been diagnosed with PTSD and confessed to CBC that he’d turned to alcohol to dull his pain. Though it’s been more than a decade since the horrific incident, its effects still linger today.

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