The Content Of This Note On Happiness Will Give You Joy
Albert Einstein gave a note out, in 1992, to a hotel manager. It was supposed to be a tip but the content of this note was worth more than anyone could tip.
The celebrated German theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein, put forth, on November 25, 1915, his popular theory of relativity, a theory that has since affected, positively, our view of the universe, in the presence of the Prussian academy of sciences, the document clocked a century in 2015.
Although the document has spent over a century, its relevance has not waned even as so much time has passed. Trends die, colors dim, technology gets outdated, but Einstein’s theories have since proved invaluable with the enormous impact it has on our world today.
Late 1992, October, Einstein went to Japan to give a number of lectures. While still on his way, a telegram came in, informing him that he had just won the noble prize of 1992. His new found fame had preceded him and when he finally arrived, he found himself flooded by a larger number of fans who were eager to catch a glimpse.
Winner’s Auctions and exhibitions revealed that while Einstein was lodged at the Imperial hotel n Tokyo, he tried to put what was on his mind about what it takes to be happy on paper, and here is, translated from German, what he wrote: “Silent, modest life gives more happiness than successful aspiration, combined with constant unrest.”
As it is considered rude in Japan to tip with money, Einstein, exploiting the advantages of his new exalted position, gave a messenger, who had come to his room to give him something, two of his writings as tip instead of money.
The truthfulness of those words was proven after almost a hundred years of its writing. The nephew of the hotel manager got in touch with Winner’s Auctions and Exhibitions asking them to put these notes up for sale. On October 24, the famous theory of happiness sold for a whooping sum of $1.3 million while the other note sold for 240 thousand dollars. The content of the other note has become a popular saying up unto this day. The note read: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
An actor who recently portrayed Einstein in a movie by National Geography, Geoffrey Rush, has acknowledged the beauty of Einstein’s brighter side after he had researched the scientist’s life.
Rush, while speaking with a Hollywood reporter said the following about Einstein: “He was a man who wept, he was a man who laughed. He had a fantastic sense of humor. I’ve seen that in some of the newsreel footage where he could get journalists laughing at the drop of a hat”. The actor’s words served to cement the already strong reputation of the scientist
“Silent, modest life gives more happiness than successful aspiration, combined with constant unrest.” These words by Albert has proven to be invaluable, as so many have chosen the simplicity with peace over extravaganza with trouble.
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