How to Live More Sustainably With Your Four-Legged Friends
Pet food is expensive as is, we get it! When it comes to pet food, there are a lot of cheap options on the market, made with animal byproducts that most likely contain preservatives. These may be filling, but they are not necessarily healthy for your pet or the environment. Think of it as giving your pet fast food every day. Harsh, no?

Healthier and greener alternatives are abundant, and your pet’s health should always come first. Rather than purchasing brands that use big, grazing animals, try buying food that contains chicken and rabbit meat. Some pet owners even decide to put their pets on vegetarian diets. That being said, we suggest you talk to your vet for the healthiest options for your four-legged friend!
Bedding & Litter
As you may have already guessed, it’s most helpful to use natural cat litter. There are many earth-friendly clay products available when it comes to litter. If you’re in the mood to save, you can also make your cat litter with recycled newspapers, corncobs, and sawdust. When you’re looking for litter and bedding, try opting for a biodegradable brand so that it can be turned into soil, rather than thrown into the garbage.
Bathing Products
When you’re looking for cleaning and bathing products for your pets, look for labels that use the words organic, natural, and chemical-free. Other than the fact that they are suitable for the environment, these products are also generally better for your pet’s skin!

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