Best Fitness Apps and Tips for Newbies

It is never easy to try something new or start over on a journey to wellness. It takes perseverance and commitment, but it can also be an exciting adventure full of interesting discoveries.

The first few steps seem the hardest, so we have prepared this list of the best fitness apps and tips for newbies. Here you will find everything you need to make it easier for you to start your journey towards cooking healthy, working out, and living an active life.

Try these apps first

Before looking for other useful tools that can help you with the process of improving health conditions, read carefully through this brief list. We will present you with some fitness apps that are well-known among experienced and new users alike. No matter if you are a beginner or someone who has been doing sports for a while, this list will have something interesting to offer.

Choosing the best from our selection of apps is not very difficult because these tools have been highly praised by both experts and ordinary users over time.

They all use different approaches to training and weight loss, so you can find a tool that suits your needs and preferences.

Tracker by Fitocracy [Free]

In order to maintain good health, it is important to monitor the intensity of workouts and weight loss if you want to be successful in reaching your goals.

Fitocracy is a great choice for beginners because it has been created with new gym-goers in mind. The tracker features levels, points, and an extensive system of tips meant to encourage you during your journey.

Achievements act as positive reinforcement, while Boosts are used for motivation when you reach a new level or lose weight. Everything can be customized according to personal preferences, which is why this app is considered user-friendly.

If you are more experienced, however, this app may come across as too easy for you. It is mostly suitable for beginners who want to get into shape and need simple encouragement to stay on track.

Garmin Fit [Free]

This is where things get interesting because Garmin Fit is a lot more advanced than Fitocracy. It can track your training, analyze your performance, and give you tips on how to improve.

What is more, it uses GPS for accurate location tracking so that you can map out routes during workouts or jogging sessions. It does not offer as much information about other users as Fitocracy does, which might be a downside for some people.

Garmin Fit can be installed on any smartphone or tablet that supports GPS, which means it is compatible with most Apple and Android devices. It also supports Apple Watch if you own one of these devices.

Map My Run [Free]

This app works similarly to Garmin Fit but without the GPS tracking feature. It offers similar features for those who prefer to keep their workout routines private and do not want to share all the details with others.

The app lets you monitor your progress, create routes, and stay motivated by using achievements and social interactions on a community of over 40 million users.

Map My Run can be used on iOS or Android devices that have 3G or 4G connectivity. It can also be installed on compatible fitness trackers, which support Android Wear and Apple Watch.

The 10,000 Steps app [Free]

This is one of the apps that will show you how to get healthier by gradually increasing your daily steps. If you are just beginning your journey towards better health, it might seem an impossible task at first. However, the app will show you what you can accomplish if you are dedicated.

This is why this tool is so great for beginners because it lets them set small goals and build confidence by achieving them. The app calculates daily steps automatically, but it can be calibrated according to personal preferences when needed.

With 10,000 Steps, you can monitor your progress using the iOS or Android app. You do not have to connect it with any devices because it uses GPS to track location.

The Pushup Workout [Free]

This is a very simple but effective fitness tracker that will show you how many pushups you should complete for maximum efficiency. It works by measuring your performance and letting you know when your form is off.

The app tracks the number of pushups that you complete, what type of pushup variation was used, and how much time it took to complete the exercise. The latter feature can be very useful for beginners who are struggling with getting stronger because it tells you when to rest in order to avoid muscle fatigue.

The Pushup Workout can be installed on any iOS device and used without connecting it to external devices. It can also be used without a network connection, which is why this app might be useful during workouts or jogging sessions.

My Fitness Pal (Free)

If you are looking for an app that will help you lose weight, My Fitness Pal is one of the best tools you can get. The app lets you set personal goals, keep track of your calorie intake, and monitor healthy habits in order to reach your weight loss goal faster.

One feature that makes this app great for beginners is its extensive food database with over 6 million different entries. You can use it to track every meal, no matter how healthy it is.

My Fitness Pal can be installed on any iOS or Android device and used without connecting it to external devices. It also works with Apple Watch for those who want to monitor their daily calorie intake in a convenient way.

I hope you found the best fitness apps to suit your needs and that this article has been helpful in introducing you to a few tools that can help you get started. Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!

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